Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Learning to go Down the Stairs

Aprendio como bajar las escaleras

Breslover Baby

A friend of ours gave us this song, and Elisheva liked it so much she started dancing for the first time, so I looked into the meaning of the song:

Rabbi Nachman revealed that his name (meaning his soul and teachings) is the Song that is Single (Na - נ), Doubled (Nach - נח), Tripled (Nachmu - נחמ), and Quadrupled (Nachman - נחמן).
These tzadikim explained that before the coming of the Messiah, there will be revealed a song that is Single, Doubled, Tripled, and Quadrupled, and that through this Song the true faith and belief in God will be restored in the world as God will renew the world in His wondrous ways. All of this will occur before the coming of the Messiah.

Of curse I an not so sure about this, but Elisheva seems convinced... Yet any thing [of his creation] that keeps you happy and joyfull does bring the Reality of G-d closer.

Last days as a nine month old

We got a 50Kilo Bag of Flour for the bread, now we only need one of sugar
Stuck on the high chair

Monday, February 9, 2009

Random pics

What a happy mood she is in... Tu B'Shevat a special day for trees
Makin' faces with Mommy
Eating all by herself
Look at my new outfit

Elisheva eating

"Bad" face